CashKidding ( - SCAM | CLOSED
- Reason For Review: Requested
- Last Updated: August 03, 2009
- Suspected Owner/Alias: Alex Sxrew (owner of
- Current Whois Info:
1. Complaint - We have received complaints about this site. Originally we had this site on our "Pending" list. Within hours after we did our review we received the same complaint about this site. You can view the complaint here -->(See Comment #57) or you can read the copy and pasted message here:
Anonymous said...
Cashkidding is an absolute SCAM! I paid to upgrade, the site went down, then up again, login incorrecto, even got my ref name when I click the link, sent a dispute letter via paypal,no response. so Alex Screw(ed) me!
2. No Forum - Sites without forums can be a bad sign. Although the owner owns another site, which has a forum. Could be that they owner has not got around to adding a forum to this site. You can find the forum here:
3. Whois Private - Owner is hiding his identity.
4. Unsustainable - According to their advertisement prices they only charge advertisers $1 per 1000 hits.
We charge $1 per 1000 member visits and each visit will last at least 20 seconds.
Take 1000 x $0.01 = cost the site $10 to show each ad. Yet they are only receiving $1 for the campaign? $9 short.
5. More than one site - Sometimes owning and running more than one PTC site can be a handful. This owner has more than one PTC, and might be more than what he can handle. Although the other PTC is currently paying its members which you can read about here:
Site closed and left members scammed.