Sunday, December 13, 2009

FillBux ( - Is it a scam?

Pays per AdMin to cashoutWait time $
Payout Methods
+100 Clicks
Instant for Upgraded
PayPal, AlertPay
Upgrade PriceRef ProgramRestricted CountriesAccounts deleted
after inactivity?
$5-$3901 LEVELAsia

We are putting this site on our watch list mainly because there are many issues with this site and some complaints. Here are our reasons why you should use caution with this site:

1. Paying? - They are... but there seems to be some who say they are not being paid for quite some time. As you can see from their banner, premiums cash out instantly. Which stopped. Also their paypal funds where frozen at one time. They say it is working but there are some who are still saying they are not being paid.

2. Password Collector? - I received a complaint from one who said that their password was taken from Godbux and used on other sites to steal their funds. Which they were successful in doing, bu it wasn't that much. This site has ties with Godbux and could be owned my the same person. If that is the case, if you plan on using this site, BE SURE TO USE A UNIQUE PASSWORD! Do this with all sites. You can see how someone tried it with us HERE.

You can read about this complaint here:

And here: Comment #154

GodBux admin most likely are stealing passwords from his own site to hack into your paypal, email, ptc, etc.!!!

I got hacked in stablebux, someone cashed out my money and I really think it was him, hopefully I had only $2. Check this topic in this forum, I commented in second page with username yoker88:,23404.0.html

well, I changed my passwords and Im going to start again, I have many referals so it's not a big deal. This gave me a good leason to not use the same passwords in all sites.

3. Connected To Another Failing Site - Like we said previously this site has connections to Godbux. Some complaints are coming from this site and the forum is current down.


As of now we would not recommend this site to anyone. Too many serious claims are being made to even take a chance on this site. If you plan on using this site, use at your own risk.

If anyone would like to share their experience that they had with this site, whether it is good or bad, feel free to do so in our comment section at the end of this review.


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